South End Road, Hornchurch, RM12 5UA


Elm Park Primary School

Aspiring to be the best we can be!




The Aspire Learning Federation is made up of two schools - Elm Park Primary School and R J Mitchell Primary School in the London Borough of Havering.


Welcome to the Friends of Elm Park Primary School page. Here you will find lots of useful information regarding the things we do, and how you can get involved in either sharing your wonderful ideas or giving a helping hand. 
Events during the year
The Friends of Elm Park plays an important role in school life. We aim to raise vital funds for our beloved school in a way in which the children and parents and carers can enjoy. 
We hold discos, breakfast with santa, bazaars, gift sales, movie nights and the odd surprise event in between. We make several donations to school for example to help the school provide a hearty breakfast to the Y6 children during SATS week. We are also in the courtyard every Thursday in the tuck shop where you can purchase basic uniform items, sweets and drinks. 
We are delighted to let you know that we also sell adventure island wristband at a very discounted price. Please see our notice board at the school entrance for more details. 
Supporting the school 
The school invites us to provide refreshments during Termly Learning Conferences, Sports Day and mid year assemblies and performances. This is a great opportunity to meet you all and for you to learn more about what we do. 
Supporting projects: 
Money raised by the Friends of Elm Park Primary School has helped fund new outdoor equipment, music equipment, classroom resources, books and electrical equipment. We are currently developing the space in the courtyard and, working in conjunction with the school will  be raising funds to develop the outdoor learning space in the upper floor. 
We send out termly newsletters with important information about when events will be held. We also let you know where your donated money has been spent and how this has strengthened learning opportunities throughout the school. 
How to contact us
We love to hear from parents, as your ideas, help and support is invaluable. We can be contacted by the following email address  or you can leave a message for us with the school office and we will get back to you as soon as we can. 
We are always grateful for any kind of help you can provide. If you would like to get involved either fully or on an ad hoc basis we would love to have you on board.