The Aspire Learning Federation is made up of two schools - Elm Park Primary School and R J Mitchell Primary School in the London Borough of Havering.
My name is Jane Fishwick; you may know me already, as I have been at Elm Park Primary for four and a half years. One of my roles is to build strong links between you, your child and the
school. Support I can offer include:
- Work with families and pupils where issues may be affecting a child’s schooling.
- Offer a mentoring service to your child
- Offer support to families with worries or anxieties they may have at home (for
example letter writing, form filling, accompanying parents to appointments, etc).
I can offer a range of support and advice to parents, carers and families in many areas
- Family relationships
- Children’s behaviour in school and at home
- Attendance and Punctuality
- Domestic Violence
- Encouraging parents who feel reluctant to engage with the school
- Housing
- Debt
- Benefits
- Parenting Courses
- Referring children and parents to outside agencies for support
- General support and advice
If you have an issue that is worrying you, I may be able to help. I can meet you in school or
come to your home if you prefer. All of our work is dealt with in the strictest confidence.
Should you wish to talk to me you can ring the school on 01708 451463 or pop in for a chat. My door is always open.
Alternatively, you can email me at jfishwick.epps@theaspirelearningfederation.co.uk
I look forward to working with you and your children this year.
Jane Fishwick