Social, Emotional & Mental Health (SEMH) Support
The Aspire Learning Federation is made up of two schools - Elm Park Primary School and R J Mitchell Primary School in the London Borough of Havering.
Mrs C Scotcher SEMH Lead |
Mr R Stevenson Sports Mentor |
Mrs T Offord Emotional Literacy Support Assisant for KS2 (ELSA) |
Mrs J Williams Emotional Literacy Support Assistant for KS1 (ELSA) |
At Elm Park, we work to provide a holistic education for our pupils and see our academic and pastoral care as interrelated and complementary. We support pupils to learn the social and emotional skills needed to enable them to thrive and flourish during the school day within a kind, caring and inclusive community.
Our staff are committed to identifying pupils with SEMH difficulties at the earliest stage possible. When the school suspects that a child may be experiencing these difficulties, support may come from the school’s existing support systems or via support services.
Children may access:
- Play therapy
- Lunchtime clubs
- Sports Therapy
- Mentoring
- ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant) Sessions
- Counseling (with trained outside agencies)
- Social groups
- “Snack and Chat” sessions
- Mindfulness sessions