SEND Overview
The Aspire Learning Federation is made up of two schools - Elm Park Primary School and R J Mitchell Primary School in the London Borough of Havering.
We are committed to providing pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) an inclusive education that recognises their individual needs, delivering targeted and personalised support.
A pupil is recognised as requiring SEND support if their learning or physical disability calls for special provision which is different from, or additional to that which is usually provided to pupils of the same age.
The four areas of need are;
- Cognition & Learning
- Communication & Interaction
- Sensory and/or Physical
- Social, Emotional & Mental Health
We aim to provide personalised support to enable pupils to build upon their existing curriculum knowledge and essential skills for life.
Our classrooms are inclusive environments which enable all children to meet their full potential. Pupils may also access our nurture rooms (The Orchard & The Treehouse) for further personalised support.