EPPS School Council
Our school council have regular meetings with Ms Morris and discuss how the school can be improved. Decisions that are made can vary from choosing a charity to support to evaluating the quality of teaching and learning or behaviour within our school.
The aim of having a pupil school council is to ensure all our children's voices are heard and valued. This is achieved by involving pupils in the organisation and decision making processes within our school at all different levels.
Each class votes for 2 school council representatives from their class who will represent them over the school year. The children can put themselves forward or be nominated by a friend for the role. They must make a short speech to the class explaining why they believe they will make the best school council rep for the class.
Each class has a School Council book in which pupils are encouraged to give their suggestions and ideas on a whole range of school improvement issues. School Council reps then bring these books to our meetings which help guide and inform agenda items for discussion, which are then reported back to class to ensure the whole school is updated.
Recent work completed by our school council
- Led in the design and creation of a new ‘trim trail’ which was voted for by pupils to support improvements in play and physical exercise at lunch time.
- Attendance – in our bid to continue to improve whole school attendance further suggestions were asked for from pupils on rewards to celebrate excellent individual and class attendance – as a result weekly cookies are given to class with best attendance and punctuality and pupils with 95+% attendance receive a badge and a letter home to parents congratulating them and their child on their excellent school attendance.