Change of menu15 January 2025 (by Ashlea Stevenson (ashlea.stevenson)) |
Please be reminded about the menu change for Thursday 16th January 2025.
Thursday 16/1/25 is 'Census Day', on this day information is taken from schools and sent to the Government as a snapshot of what a normal day looks like in schools based on many things, one being the amount of children eating a school dinner on that day.
The more children who register and try a school dinner, the more funding the local authority and Elm Park Primary will receive. This, in turn, gives us more money to spend on the children. Therefore, we encourage all children to try a school meal on this day, if your child is unsure about school dinners they can also bring in a packed lunch to eat if they are not enjoying their school meal.
As you know the school meals are currently free for all primary aged children so this will not be at any extra cost to you.
Please take a look at the poster sent previously via the newsletter tab on jotter.
Thank you for your continued support.